Additional Testing of CFB Esquimalt Mass Notification System
February 24, 2015
Earlier this month, a new Mass Notification System (MNS) was installed and testing was completed at CFB Esquimalt. While the system tests conducted February 2-6 were successful, please be advised that further adjustments are required in order to ensure that the sound levels are audible to base personnel working in a variety of locations and to minimize the impact on nearby residents.
Final contractor trials will take place between 8:00am - 4:00pm on Wednesday, March 4th.
Monthly Siren Tests
After these trials are completed, the system will be tested at 11:00am
on the first Wednesday of each month starting April 1, 2015.
If you hear the siren at any other time, tune to any local radio or television station for information and stand-by for instructions from emergency management officials.
a real emergency occurs during the tests, a voice message will indicate “this
is not a drill” and local emergency management officials will be contacted
For more information about the Mass Notification System, please see the following documents:
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System [PDF - 208 KB]
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System Presentation [PDF - 463 KB]
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System - Media Advisory [PDF - 68 KB]
If you have any immediate questions,
comments or concerns, please contact CFB Esquimalt's public affairs office.
- Phone: 250-363-4006
- After Hours: 250-888-6775
- Email: