Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Development Cost Charge (DCC)?
2. How much is potentially being waived?
3. Who would rent these apartments?
4. How will the Town fund the projects that would have been funded from DCC’s?
5. Does this mean DCCs will be waived for every affordable housing development?
6. Why was this location selected?
7. What is the need for affordable housing needed in View Royal?
8. What about traffic in the area?
9. Where can I provide my feedback about this proposal?
1. What is a Development Cost Charge (DCC)?
Development Cost Charges, commonly referred to as DCC's, are levied by municipalities on new developments to pay for infrastructure such as sewer, water, drainage, parks and roads, necessary to service the demands of that new development. The funds collected from DCC's in View Royal are placed in the DCC reserve and are drawn on for future infrastructure projects.
2. How much is potentially being waived?
The Development Cost Charges (DCC) would be $926,000. It is based on the number of units being built.
3. Who would rent these apartments?
The development proposed for 1938 West Park Lane proposes a mix of units for all family types and stages of life. It could be homes for small families, single parents, seniors, or individuals with disabilities. These units are designed for independent living, they are not designed to provide emergency or transitional housing for those who require supported housing. The proposed unit mix is as follows:
- 32 - Studios at $375 (income assistance)
- 2 - 1 bedrooms at $375 (income assistance)
- 44 - 1 bedrooms at $1275 (affordable)
- 30 - 1 bedrooms at $1525 (near market)
- 44 - 2 bedrooms at $1790 (near market)
Housing eligibility is based on income. Eligible household incomes for these units would range from the amount received on disability pension or income assistance to $104,000/annually. 34 units will rent for $375 to those receiving income assistance or disability pension. Monthly rents for the other 118 units are projected to range from $1,275 to $1,790.
4. How will the Town fund the projects that would have been funded from DCC’s?
The Town has several options for funding capital projects. By waiving DCC’s, the Town could utilize Casino funds, gas tax funding, reserves or grants, to support the amount forgiven.
5. Does this mean DCCs will be waived for every affordable housing development?
No, this is a site-specific consideration. The current, nor proposed DCC Bylaw being considered for future, waives DCC’s for affordable housing.
This is the first time a not-for-profit development has been proposed in View Royal’s history and this is the first time Council has considered waiving the DCC’s.
6. Why was this location selected?
The proposed development is the former site of the Thetis Lake trailer park and campground. It was sold to the Limona Group in 2017 and the site was rezoned in 2017 for this use, multi-family residential. A property owner can apply to develop the property within the approved land-use zoning at any time. They must adhere to other relevant municipal requirements for the property, including development permits for form and character, as well as building permits. An appropriately zoned property in conjunction with senior government funding currently available, makes this location attractive for creating affordable rental housing sooner than later.
7. What is the need for affordable housing needed in View Royal?
The View Royal Official Community Plan highlights the need for a mix of housing types that offers diversity and choice for all ages and times in people’s lives. In View Royal, 35% of renters and 18% of home-owners spend 30% or more of their income on housing and just 17% of housing in View Royal is apartments, reflecting a shortage of multi-family and rental options for View Royal residents.
8. What about traffic in the area?
We don’t expect that all residents would drive as their primary mode of transportation. The property is within close proximity to the bus stop on Six Mile Road and the Galloping Goose Trail. In addition, a transportation study is currently being completed by the Ministry of Transportation and BC Transit is planning to expand service in this area. Although it may increase local traffic it’s impact will be minimal in comparison to the current volumes of traffic already utilizing Six Mile Road.
9. Where can I provide my feedback about this proposal?
You can provide feedback through the website or attend an Open House on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 to learn more and provide written feedback at that time. All input will be collected, compiled and shared with Town Council prior to consideration of the DCC waiver bylaw.
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