Business Licences

A valid business licence is required for all businesses operating in View Royal. Business types vary from home crafter, home business, mobile business or trade, to a large commercial business. 

What business licence(s) will I need for my business?
The type of licences can be determined by where your business operates from and where is provides it services. The following questions will assist you in understanding the licence type(s) your business will require to operate:

1. Are you a Resident business?  A resident business operates from a location (commercial or home) within View Royal. A non-resident business is one that operates from or is providing services on a site within View Royal and does not have a valid Greater Victoria Intermunicipal Licence or a Vancouver Island Intercommunity Licence. A non-resident business licence is required.

2. Where does your business provide its services? A business may operate from a commercial location, within the owners home, at multiple locations, or a combination. Not all business activities are permitted on all properties. The Zoning Bylaw provides the uses permitted within each zone. The Zoning Map provides the zone applied to a property. 

Apply for a Business Licence
Renew a Business Licence
Business Signage

Business Licence Types

Commercial Business Licences

Businesses providing services or products from a commercial location (store front office, clinic, apartments, pubs etc) are required to apply for a business licence for that commercial location. Review what commercial zones permit your business activity type to ensure the location is acceptable for your business. See below for the categories and specific sections that apply within the Zoning Bylaw:

Licence Type Description and Information 
Commercial Small A business operating from a commercial location that is less than 5000ft2.
Commercial Large A business operating from a commercial location that is 5000ft2 or more.
Pub An establishment for the sale  and consumption of alcohol and food products.
Liquor Sales  A licensed business for the sale of alcohol products.
Cannabis Retail  A licensed business for the sale of cannabis products.
Drug Paraphernalia A retail business who's products are considered related to controlled substances.
Hotel/Apartment A building that contains rental suites or sleeping units other than a secondary suite.
Non-Profit A business that is a Canadian registered non-profit.


Home Occupation Business Licences

Businesses providing services or products from within their home (account, daycare, esthetics, online sales) are required to apply for a Home Occupation business licence. Review your zoning and the Home Occupation sections of the the Zoning Bylaw for business types and activity that are permitted at residential locations. See below for the categories and specific sections that apply within the Zoning Bylaw:

Licence Type Description and Information
Home Crafts A resident who produces hand made goods for sale online or offsite (i.e. markets, craft fairs)
Home Occupation
(Level 1,2,3)

A business that operates from within their home.

Sections 4.2, 6 and 7 of the Zoning Bylaw provide information on levels requirements and restrictions.

Bed & Breakfast

Nightly accommodation and breakfast provided by a resident from within their home. 

See section 4.3 of the Zoning Bylaw for requirements and restrictions.


A Canadian registered non-profit that operates from within the owners home.


Mobile Business Licences

Businesses or Individuals that provide their services or product at various client locations are required to apply for Mobile Business licence. The regions you operate in will determine what licence(s) you will need to apply for. See below for detailed licence descriptions.

Licence Type Description and Information
Greater Victoria Intermunicipal A business that operates at locations only within municipalities within Greater Victoria. (Sooke to Sidney)

Vancouver Island


A business that operates at locations within the participating municipalities on Vancouver Island. See here for the current list of Participating Municipalities 


Apply for a Business Licence

To apply for a business licence, you will need to submit a completed business licence application form along with the application fee. Depending on the type of licence you are applying for, you may also be required to submit supplemental documents (eg. parking plan) and permit applications. These requirements can be found listed specifically with the information about the specific licence you would like to obtain. 

  1. Download and complete the Business Licence Application Form;
  2. Bring the completed forms, along with your payment (cash/cheque/debit/credit), into Town Hall (45 View Royal Ave).

*Please note that for all business licence applications, the location of a business must be a physical address where the owner/operator can be contacted directly. An application with a business location using a post office box or storage unit will not be accepted.

Business Licence Fees

Renew a Business Licence

Business licences are valid for the calendar year January 1st to December 31st regardless of application date. Renewal payment is due no later than January 31st of the renewal year. A late fee will be applied for all outstanding licences on February 1st of each year. 

Options to make a renewal payment:

  • IN PERSON: cash, cheque, debit or credit card payments can be made during office hours at Town Hall. Licences will be provided at time of payment.

  • ONLINEonce registered for Online Services, renewals can be paid online by credit card. Following online payment, please contact us at or phone 250-479-6800 to ensure the correct email address is on file to receive your licence.

Renewal & Late Fees

Licence renewals are sent out each year in November. Renewal payments are due no later than January 31st of the renewal year. A late fee will be applied for all outstanding licences on February 1st of each year*. The minimum late fee is $25.00. 

*Note: Due to the postal disruption in 2024, late renewal penalties will not be charged until March 1, 2025.

Fines for Operating Without a Licence

Businesses found to be operating without a valid business licence will be fined no less than $100.00/day until such time as the licence is obtained or business activities cease.

What about signage for my business?

If you would like to use signage for your business, please refer to the Sign Bylaw and apply for a Sign Permit.

Be sure to apply for a sign permit BEFORE erecting or ordering any signage. There may be requirements around the type of signage, sign placement, size, letter heights and illumination.

Additional Information

BC Small Business Rebates Information
BC Disaster Preparedness & Resources for Business Information
