Make a Freedom of Information Request
Step 1: Download, complete, and print the FOI request form
Unlike informal requests, formal requests must be made in writing. Your request must provide sufficient detail to assist staff in locating and retrieving the records. You must also indicate whether you want to receive copies of the records or to view the records in person.
If you have questions or need clarification about the Town's records before you send your request, contact the FOI Coordinator at 250-479-6800. Keep your request simple, clear, and focused to reduce processing time and possible service fees. Download and complete the FOI Request form:
FOI Request Form [PDF - 98 KB]
*note: if you are requesting access to another person’s personal information, please attach a person’s signed consent for disclosure or proof of authority to act on that person’s behalf.
Agent Authorization Form [PDF - 71 KB]
Step 2: Send your signed form by email or mail
Mail: 45 View Royal Ave., Victoria BC, V9B 1A6
Attn: FOI Coordinator
Step 3: The Town will acknowledge and review your request
The FOI Coordinator will acknowledge and review your request, making sure that your request is for information that the Town holds, and not some other public body. We may contact you to clarify your request.
The FOI Coordinator will let you know when you can expect to have your request fulfilled. The Act requires the Town to respond to your FOI request within 30 working days of receiving it. If your request is complex, we may extend this time within what the Act allows, but will inform you of this within the 30 days.
The FOI Coordinator will contact the appropriate department to inform them of your request.
Step 4: The Town will estimate the time and possible fees needed to fulfill your request
You will not be charged for access to your own personal information or for the first three hours spent locating and retrieving records.
If it will take longer than three hours to retrieve and prepare the records you requested, we will send you a fee estimate outlining estimated costs.
You may be required to pay a 50% deposit of the estimate invoice before the appropriate department continues with your request. Or, you may choose to revise your request to reduce the time (and cost) it will take to complete the request.
Note: you may request to receive information electronically (where possible) to lower fees for photocopies.
FOI Request fees: | |
Copying Fees:
Production & Preparation | $7.50/15 minutes ($30.00/hour) |
Step 5: The Town will gather the information
Department staff assigned to your request search for and gather all the records related to your request, and send them to the FOI Coordinator.
If your request asks for a large number of records or for third-party records, we may take up to 60 days to respond and will inform you of this extension.
Step 6: The Town will review the information for privacy concerns
The Town will review the records and withhold any information that would be an invasion of privacy or cause harm by one of the means listed in the Act.
If a record has information we cannot provide, we cover that information, and mark it with the relevant section(s) of the Act that explains why we withheld the information.
If a record has several sections of information we cannot provide, we may refuse access to that entire record.
Step 7: The Town will send you the information
The Town will prepare our final response package with your requested information and send it to you.
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