
WorkSafeBC oversees all blasting in British Columbia, including the certification of blasting professionals and regulation of workplace safety. In addition to WorkSafeBC requirements, blasting companies must also comply with their insurance companies.

Current Blasting in View Royal

 Location: Estimated Timeline:  Details: Company Contact: 

181 Island Hwy

January 13 - 27

Hours of operation are from 8:00am - 4:30pm, Mon-Fri


Blasting Notice [PDF - 444 KB]

Western Grater Contracting



Blasting Regulation

Blasting is provincially regulated:

In addition to WorkSafeBC, blasting companies must also comply with the requirements of their insurance companies. Insurance companies have requirements for blasting notification, pre-blast surveys and intensities of allowable blasts. Blasting companies are responsible to record information for every blast by using a seismograph on the worksite – an instrument used to measure the intensity of the blasts.

Blasting Notification

WorkSafeBC considers proper blasting notification as follows:

  1. 12 short audible whistle signals followed by a 2 minute pause;
  2. Blast will be detonated;
  3. A longer whistle signal to indicate 'All Clear' after detonation.

Blasting Complaints

All complaints regarding blasting should go to the blasting company first to attempt resolution. If no satisfactory resolution is found, please contact WorkSafeBC at 1-800-621-7233 to provide details of the blasting complaint.

Damage from Blasting

If you suspect that blasting has caused damage to your home or property, please contact both the blasting company as well as your own insurance representative immediately. All damage claims associated with blasting must be managed and settled directly between the blasting company and the claimant.