View Royal

Liveable, green, sustainable.

Freedom of Information (FOI)

British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) allows you to access records held by the Town of View Royal. The Act also protects your right to personal privacy by prohibiting the unauthorized collection use or disclosure of your personal information by the municipality. You have the right to request any record in the custody or control of the Town, including records containing your personal information.

The following is a list of Town of View Royal records, including links for where/how to access:

Town of View Royal Records List [PDF - 250 KB]

Routinely available records

The information you are looking for may already be routinely available through an informal request. Routinely available records do not require a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Examples of routinely available records include: council agendas and minutes, policies, procedures, manuals, guidelines, annual reports, and bylaws. 

Your informal request may be free of charge or come at a cost depending on the department that manages the information you are looking for. To make an informal request, contact the appropriate department or call 250-479-6800 to be directed appropriately.

Department Contact Information

Make a Formal FOI Request

If a Town department cannot or will not provide you with the information, you can make a formal FOI request with the Town's Freedom of Information Coordinator.

The Act requires the Town to respond to your FOI request within 30 working days of receiving it. If your request is complex, we may extend this time within what the Act allows, but will inform you of this within the 30 days.

The Act allows us to withhold information if the release would be an invasion of privacy or cause harm by one of the means listed in the Act, such as harming a law enforcement investigation or threatening anyone's health or safety. Only in exceptional situations can you get access to someone else's personal information.


Frequently Asked Questions About Information Requests

  1. What information can I request?
  2. How do I make a request?
  3. Is there a fee to process my request?
  4. How long does the request process take?
  5. Will I get everything that I ask for?
  6. How is my personal information protected?
  7. Where can I find more information about FOI?