View Royal

Liveable, green, sustainable.

Vision, Mission & Values


View Royal is a dynamic and inclusive community that manages growth, while retaining the charm of its traditional neighbourhoods. It is home and workplace to people from all walks of life. 

Its neighbourhoods are attractive, affordable, walkable and safe. Each neighbourhood has an identifiable character and is connected to nearby centres – and a recognizable central community gathering place – through greenspace corridors and pedestrian/cyclist-friendly streets. 

Some centres are parks for families to gather and youth to play sports. Others are bustling, mixed-use places with a range of services, amenities, businesses and housing.

View Royal recognizes the impacts of climate change, and is responding by actively promoting energy-efficient, sustainable development, and environmental protection. Well-designed compact housing ensures choice, affordability and better use of land. Infill and redevelopment near neighbourhood centres and transit corridors provides jobs and services closer to where people live – minimizing the need for commuting, and creating pedestrian-friendly streets and destinations.

The local economy is diversified and strong, providing employment, shopping and service options to local and regional residents. Heritage tourism and eco-tourism are promoted as sustainable ways to stimulate the economy and showcase View Royal’s environmental and cultural assets.

Getting around safely by foot, bike, bus and train is convenient and enjoyable, and a viable alternative to car travel. Train, light rail and other forms of rapid transit are supported by development that facilitates ridership and walkable places.

The Town is endowed with unique natural environments – Thetis Lake Park, Millstream Creek, Craigflower Creek, Esquimalt Harbour and Portage Inlet. The integrity and beauty of these natural amenities are protected and enhanced, while public access to recreation and natural areas is improved. The Town’s vast recreation assets are well promoted and integrated into the community. Environmental stewardship and better use of resources – such as alternative energy generation and enhanced waste management – are pursued.


Livable View Royal – simply the best place to call home!

View Royal is committed to building a resilient and vibrant community that provides good government; delivers services, laws and other matters for community benefit; provides stewardship of the public assets; and fosters economic, social and environmental well-being.


The Town of View Royal pursues good community through a corporate culture that is:

  • Accountable,
  • Respectful,
  • Ethical,
  • Collaborative,
  • Innovative,
  • Proactive,
  • Efficient, and
  • Effective.

Organizational Excellence

The Town of View Royal is committed to providing the best possible local government for our residents and business community. This commitment drives constant improvement, with particular emphasis on:

  • providing strong, strategic policy-based governance;
  • demonstrating collaborative leadership and effective shared decision-making within the community, with our regional partners, including First Nations;
  • nurturing productive working relationships at the legislative and executive level;
  • pursuing excellence founded on core values, approved plans, policies and our commitment to innovation;
  • decision-making processes to be transparent and responsive;
  • integrating strategic planning, business planning, budgeting and performance management systems;
  • embracing evidence-based best practices for professionalism;
  • enhancing customer service and related communications capacity; and
  • positioning sustainability as the foundation of our municipal culture.