Committees & Boards

The Town of View Royal has committees that serve an important role in advising and providing recommendations to Mayor and Council. Committee members are made up of dedicated volunteers from the community along with appointed staff and members of Council.

Current Advisory Committees

  • Official Community Plan Review Advisory Committee

The Official Community Plan Review Advisory Committee is to provide the Town with meaningful input and recommendations on a range of community issues related to the creation of an updated Town of View Royal Official Community Plan.

Official Community Plan Review Advisory Committee Schedule, Agendas and Minutes


  • Board of Variance

The Board of Variance is an autonomous body with the power to vary regulations in situations where compliance with respect to the siting, dimension or size of a building or structure would cause a person undue hardship. The Board of Variance may not vary the density or use of land. In addition, the Board may grant minor variances, with limitations, to the provisions of the Tree Protection Bylaw and to requirements under Sections 911(5) and 938(1)(c) of the Local Government Act.

Board of Variance Schedule, Agendas and Minutes

Volunteer Membership

Membership on Advisory Committees and the Board of Variance is volunteer-based. If you are interested in serving the community by volunteering to be on a Committee or Board, please visit the Employment Opportunities page for a listing of available positions.