Active Transportation Network Plan
Thank you for your engagement and support for this project! The Active Transportation Network Plan was approved by Council in May 2023.
- View the final Active Transportation Network Plan [PDF - 62 MB]
The Town of View Royal’s Active Transportation Network Plan is the Town’s first comprehensive document that provides a 10-year roadmap outlining the short-term infrastructure improvements, policies, and programs needed to prioritize active transportation in the Town of View Royal.
Project Overview
Project Timeline
Stakeholder & Public Engagement
◾ What We Heard Report #1
◾ What We Heard Report #2 ◾ Open House & Draft ATNP
Project Overview
Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan set a goal to shift the primary mode of transportation within View Royal away from the vehicle towards more greener modes of transport, such as walking, cycling and public transit. The Town is making significant strides towards achieving this goal by undertaking the development of its first ever Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP).
In spring of 2022, Council approved funding for a project to develop the ATNP. The project is funded in part of the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program. The ATNP will serve to supplement the Town’s prevailing Master Transportation Plan by emphasizing greener and human-powered modes of transportation. Once complete, the ATNP will act as a tool to guide the Town of View Royal towards promoting multi-modal transportation methods across the Town.
- What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation, as defined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling, using a skateboard, skates, wheelchair or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation. - What is an Active Transportation Network Plan?
An Active Transportation Network Plan is a strategic document that lays out the Town’s vision and objectives for enhancing active transportation within View Royal. The purpose of the ATNP is to identify gaps in the pedestrian and cycling network, improve the quality and experience for people walking, biking, and rolling, provide a roadmap for high priority improvements over the short-term (5-years), medium-term (10-years), and long-term (10+years), and to increase the share of trips completed by active modes of transportation. - Active Transportation Network Quick Facts
Project Timeline
Stakeholder & Public Engagement
A Community Engagement Plan has been developed to help guide the process of engaging with the public and key stakeholders throughout the development of the ATNP.
Key deliverables in the engagement process will be two "What We Heard" summary reports that document key themes from the public and stakeholder engagement. The ”What We Heard Report No. 1” summarizes the highlights, priority issues, and barriers identified in Round 1.
Round 1 Engagement (June/July 2022)
Community Ideas Fair & Project Launch (Complete)
Residents were invited to drop by one of the outdoor Ideas Fairs to share their thoughts on what they like in the current active transportation network and what needs more attention. There were display boards showing precedents and best practices from other communities and participants voted on what they like using sticky dots.
Online Survey #1 (Complete)
Online Survey #1 allowed survey respondents to provide feedback on challenges they face when using the active transportation network in View Royal and changes they would like to see addressed in the ATNP.
Round 2 Engagement (October-December 2022)
- View Royal Bikeshop Tours (Complete)
On November 5th and 6th, members of the public participated in three 2-hour bike tours of View Royal to witness and share what they liked and disliked about the Town’s cycling network. Each bikeshop tour explored the state of transportation infrastructure across View Royal while travelling via existing cycling facilities and regional trails (E&N Rail Trail and Galloping Goose Trail). Bikeshop tour guides included representatives from the Town’s Engineering Department and the ATNP project's consulting team. Bikeshop tours were open to all users of View Royal's active transportation network (i.e. not limited to View Royal residents).
Online Survey #2 (Complete)
Online Survey #2 allowed the public to provide feedback on ATNP draft vision, goals and principles; Infrastructure and corridor options for the cycling and pedestrian networks; Prioritization of major intersection improvements and crossings; Potential policy and programming initiatives; and Draft recommendations surrounding emerging trends (i.e. mobility scooters, electric kick scooters, and speed reduction).
Round 3 Engagement (April 2023)
- Open House & Draft ATNP (Complete)
Town staff and the project consultant presented the Draft Active Transportation Network Plan to the community in an open house on April 3, 2023 at Town Hall. The ATNP supplements the Town’s prevailing Transportation Master Plan by emphasizing greener and human-powered modes of transportation. Once complete, the ATNP will act as a tool to guide View Royal towards promoting multi-modal transportation methods across the Town.
Baseline Conditions
A Baseline Condition Report [PDF - 61 MB] has been developed to clearly describe the current challenges to walking, biking and rolling. It includes:
- A community profile with a detailed summary of existing transportation mode share, land uses, and key destinations.
- A summary of local and regional planning documents and technical studies that have implications for active transportation.
- Analysis of the transportation conditions for pedestrian, cycling, transit, and street infrastructure including trail systems and traffic flow.
- Engineering & Parks Department