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Residential Garbage & Organics Collection Update

This summer the Town's contract with Waste Management expired and a new contract has recently been re-negotiated with them. All residents should receive an updated brochure and schedule in the mail by mid-December.

Waste Management's current stock of garbage and organics totes has now been depleted and the Town has approved a change in the tote supplier in order to get a superior and longer lasting product. You'll notice that new residents, or those receiving replacement totes due to damage or defect, will have the new style of tote delivered. The size remains the same for both totes.

Watch next year for a new garbage truck, which will replace the aging vehicle that Waste Management currently uses. It will be a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicle – the first of its kind in the region. The many benefits of CNG include 23% less Green House Gas emissions compared to diesel fuel and a quieter and more efficient vehicle than a conventional garbage truck.

This year, Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall on Thursdays. As Waste Management does not collect garbage on these two statutory holidays, residents who receive garbage collection on Thursdays are asked to put out their garbage on the following day (Friday) after each of these two holidays. Waste Management will be collecting both Thursday and Friday routes on the Fridays following these two holidays.

A reminder that the CRD will be implementing a ban of kitchen scraps disposal as garbage at the Hartland Landfill effective January 1, 2015. As of that date, no kitchen scraps will be allowed in your garbage tote.

If you have any questions, please click here, or call the Engineering Department at 250-708-2258, or email