Testing of New CFB Esquimalt Mass Notification System
January 29, 2015
Esquimalt is installing a Mass Notification System (MNS) which is an effective
method to rapidly convey a message to personnel on the base. The audible siren and voice recording will warn personnel and provide direction during emergencies such as environmental threats, hazardous material emergencies, tsunami evacuation, etc.
The system is designed to be audible within
the confines of the CFB Esquimalt footprint only, however it is anticipated
that it may be heard by neighboring communities during testing.
- Initial Siren Tests
Intermittent siren and emergency alert system testing will take place the week of February 2-6, 2015. Contractor testing will take place Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm. If you hear the siren or emergency alert system during this period, please disregard.
- Monthly Siren Tests
After the trials are completed, the system will be tested at 11:00am on the first Wednesday of each month starting March 4, 2015.
If you hear the siren at any other time, tune to any local radio or television station for information and stand-by for instructions from emergency management officials.
a real emergency occurs during the tests, a voice message will indicate “this
is not a drill” and local emergency management officials will be contacted
- MNS Information
For more information, please see the following documents:
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System [PDF - 208 KB]
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System Presentation [PDF - 463 KB]
CFB Esquimalt - Mass Notification System - Media Advisory [PDF - 68 KB]
- Communications Information
If you have any immediate questions, comments or concerns, please contact CFB Esquimalt's public affairs office.
Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Public Affairs
Phone: 250-363-4006
Hours: 250-888-6775
Email: cfbesquimalt@outlook.com
Web: http://www.navy-marine.forces.gc.ca/en/about/structure-marpac-units.page click on MNS tab