View Royal

Liveable, green, sustainable.

Potential Bike Park in View Royal Park

During the 2018-2022 financial plan deliberations, Council set aside $50,000 in 2018, and $100,000 in 2019 as a placeholder to fund a bike park in View Royal Park, subject to public consultation. The Town asked for comments and feedback from the public regarding the potential installation of a bike park in View Royal Park. The online survey is now closed; thanks to everyone who participated!

View Royal Park is a significant park within the Town’s park system. A master plan was created in 2010 for the park’s ongoing development, however a bike park was not part of the original plan.

If supported, the proposed location for the bike park is an area near the newly upgraded playground and in a zone considered “flexible community space” as shown in the map (click to enlarge). Flexible community space is intended for use by all sectors of the municipality and includes trails, fitness stations, play environment, picnic areas, etc. 

Click here for more information about the potential bike park.