View Royal

Liveable, green, sustainable.

Construction of Phases 3 & 4 of Chilco Trails Begins

This summer, the Town of View Royal will begin construction on Phases 3 and 4 of the Chilco Trails Network as a continuation of the trails project in the Chilco Road area. Currently, there are two phases of the Chilco Trails that have already been completed and are a much loved recreation and pedestrian amenity. This project will link the existing phases to further enhance recreational opportunities and improve pedestrian connectivity within the neighbourhood and to adjacent neighbourhoods. The map below shows where the new trails are being installed. The project is scheduled to be complete in July 2018.

(click to enlarge)

To keep everyone safe, we are asking all trail users to please refrain from using the new trails while under construction. This is an active construction site with equipment, materials and workers entering and exiting the areas.

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