Zoning & Rezoning
The provincial government has granted municipalities the ability to regulate the use of land through the adoption of zoning. Zoning divides the municipality into a variety of districts, each of which specifies different land uses and densities. Zoning is used to implement the policies of the Official Community Plan and to ensure the orderly development of land within the Town.
The Town of View Royal Zoning Bylaw establishes permitted land uses, densities, setbacks, parking standards and additional regulations for the portions of the Town south of, and including Thetis Lake Park. The areas north of Thetis Lake remain under the zoning adopted by the Capital Region District before the Town was incorporated in 1988.
When is a Rezoning Required?
A property owner may apply to have their property rezoned if the proposed land use or density does not conform to the existing zoning. An application for rezoning may also include an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) as zoning must be consistent with the OCP. The process of rezoning begins when an applicant submits an application for rezoning and is finished when Council considers final adoption of the rezoning bylaws.
When the proposed land use is in keeping with the permitted uses and density, but is not consistent with other zoning regulations or Town bylaws, a Development Variance Permit [PDF - 184 KB] or Board of Variance Permit [PDF - 168 KB] can be applied for.
The Town may initiate rezoning on land within its jurisdiction and often does so to implement new policies (such as revisions to the OCP) or to recognize changes in land use.
Who is Involved in the Rezoning Process?
- The Applicant
It is the applicant's responsibility to produce a proposal, in the form of site plans, landscape plans, servicing plans, building plans and supporting reports as necessary - such as environmental assessments, why the land use change is appropriate. - Town Council
A zoning change can only occur by approval of a Land Use Bylaw Amendment by Council. Council determines whether or not the bylaw will be approved. - Development Services Department
The Town's planners coordinate the rezoning process, review the proposal in the context of existing policies (like the Official Community Plan), and make a recommendation to Council on the application. - Other Town Departments
Depending on the type of application, other departments such as the Engineering & Parks Department and the Protective Services Department will be asked to provide input and advice to the planners. - The Public
All rezoning applications require a Public Hearing. Any member of the public who believes their interests are affected by the rezoning application are provided an opportunity to provide comments to Council at a Public Hearing. The Public Hearing is held before final consideration of any rezoning bylaws.
To apply for Rezoning
For more information:
- Development Services Department