Traffic Calming

Traffic Calming is the process and measures applied to address concerns about the behaviors of motor vehicle drivers travelling on Local residential streets. Typically, the concerns relate to speed and/or shortcutting traffic habits. The goal of Traffic Calming is achieved through road design, education, and enforcement.

Through Traffic Calming, education and enforcement are prioritized to complement the road design and engineering efforts. If the data warrants the need, further Traffic Calming measures to be considered could include physical changes such as pavement markings, signage, speed humps, and others. 

Considerations for Traffic Calming Include:

  • Local streets only – Traffic Calming does not include Highways, Arterial or Collector streets (Map of Ineligible Roads)
  • Diverting traffic patterns to neighbouring Local streets 
  • Transit routes 
  • Primary response routes 
  • Steep grades 

 The universal speed limit in the Town of View Royal is 50km/hr with speeds reduced in high alternate-use conflict areas supported by data indicating significant issues. As numerous requests are received each year, the Town has adopted a Traffic Calming Policy to provide guidelines for prioritizing requests. 


 After reviewing the Traffic Calming Policy, if you have concerns of speeding or cut-through traffic on your Local residential street please complete a Traffic Calming Request Form.

Completed forms may be submitted to the Town: