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Phase 5 Added to Chilco Trails Project

As announced earlier this month, construction is about to begin on Phases 3 & 4 of the Chilco Trails Network. However, as the bids for these Phases were below budget, it allows for the Town to also include Phase 5! This final segment will finish the trail network as designed. Work is scheduled to be complete in late July 2018.

When complete, the trails will have multiple access points that will allow pedestrian access from the bottom of the Thetis Vale development all the way to the viewing platform at the top. If you haven’t had a chance to explore the trails, the viewing platform is one of the best lookouts in the region!

For your information, the Town has a statutory right of way over the road at Kaleigh Lane to allow for pedestrian access. Although there is no parking on Kaleigh Lane, parking is available for trail users on Chilco Road.

(click to enlarge)

To keep everyone safe, the Town is asking all trail users to please refrain from using the trails while under construction. This is an active construction site with equipment, materials and workers entering and exiting the areas until July.

For more information: