Mayor's Message - Support Local Businesses
May 4, 2020
Small and local businesses are the heart of our View Royal community.
The Town would like to remind residents and community members that there are many ways to support these businesses as the owners and employees deal with very challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please help promote and support our local businesses. We have over 350 businesses in View Royal ranging from home occupations to large commercial operations that employ hundreds of people. These businesses will play an important role in the recovery of our community.
You can support our local businesses by:
- continuing to buy and order from them, making arrangements for pickup or delivery where available;
- purchase gift certificates on-line from your favourite restaurants and shops;
- support regional or Island-based farmers and producers at our local grocery stores;
- if possible, continue to support and pay your service providers such as dog walkers, tutors, and cleaners;
- pre-purchase personal services such as haircuts, manicures, and massages for when we are once again able to visit these establishments; and
- ask your favourite businesses what you can do to help.
If we all collectively do some or all of these things, we can make an impact on helping our local economy.
Business owners can visit the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, support for businesses resource page for information on current benefits.
Thank you to all the front-line workers who provide the essential services we rely so heavily on. We all appreciate what you do and the risks you take.
Stay safe and stay healthy – please continue to follow the Provincial Health Officer’s guidelines for protecting yourself and others. We all need to be vigilant with adhering to social distancing protocols.
Best regards,
David Screech
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