What is FireSmart?
FireSmart is the Canadian standard recognized by all provinces and territories based on National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards.
FireSmart BC is a provincial program committed to reducing the negative impacts of wildfire. The program is based on scientific research that shows that doing simple tasks around where you live can make your property more resilient to wildfire.
Wildfires are growing in frequency, scale, and severity. In 2023, BC experienced 2,252 wildfires and 92% of people believe that wildfires are one of the most important issues facing BC. We must be more proactive to adapt to a world with more wildfires. Research shows that taking steps to FireSmart your property is one of the most effective ways to help defend against wildfire. Wildfire prevention is a shared responsibility. When communities work together, it can make a big difference in reducing wildfire risk.
Video: It’s Time to Get FireSmart About Wildfires In BC
Request a Free FireSmart Home Assessment
Request a FREE FireSmart Home Assessment to receive an on-site evaluation of your home and a report with recommendations on the next steps to FireSmart your home and property.
Click the link below to request a FREE FireSmart Home Assessment:
Get a FREE FireSmart Home Assessment
View Royal residents who have requested and completed a FireSmart Home Assessment, will receive a FREE WASP Wildfire Sprinkler Kit for their home, while supplies last (see details below).
How to Make Your Home FireSmart
For a wildfire to ignite and grow, it needs fuel such as trees, grass, or other vegetation.
Taking action to FireSmart your property by removing flammable materials and vegetation around your property and preventing embers from accumulating will decrease the risk of wildfire to your home.
Here are a few examples of FireSmart activities:
• Request an assessment of your property by emailing
• Ensure gutters and roofs are well maintained and clear of leaves and debris.
• Install 3-millimetre non-combustible wire mesh on exterior vents.
• Keep decks and balconies clear of leaves and debris.
• Keep grass cut below 10 centimetres.
• Rake up and remove dried needles and leaves.
• Plant fire-resistant plants using the Landscaping Guide.
• Move firewood, lumber and propane tanks 10-30 meters from your home.
• Remove lower branches on trees up to 2 meters.
• Space evergreen trees at least 3 meters apart.
For more tips, check out the FireSmart Begins at Home Guide.
Video: The Home Ignition Zone
How to Prepare for Wildfire
• Monitor the current wildfire situation.
• Develop a detailed evacuation plan for your household.
• Put together your grab-and-go bags.
• Protect your property by completing a FireSmart Assessment.
• Prepare your home.
• Ensure your home insurance is up to date with coverage for fire damage.
• Monitor current evacuation alerts and orders.
Learn more about preparing for wildfire.
Video: FireSmart West Kelowna Case Study
Learn more about how to check every box when preparing for wildfire.
Fire Danger Rating
Know what the current fire danger rating is and follow bans on fires.
Low: Fires may start easily and spread quickly but there will be minimal involvement of deeper fuel layers or larger fuels.
Moderate: Forest fuels are drying and there is an increased risk of surface fires starting. Carry out any forest activities with caution.
High: Forest fuels are very dry, and the fire risk is serious. New fires may start easily, burn vigorously, and challenge fire suppression efforts. Extreme caution must be used in any forest activities. Open burning and industrial activities may be restricted.
Extreme: Extremely dry forest fuels and the fire risk is very serious. New fires will start easily, spread rapidly, and challenge fire suppression efforts. General forest activities may be restricted, including open burning, industrial activities and campfires.
Report Wildfires
If you see the fire, Dial 911 and report it or call *5555 from a cell phone.
Get the Westshore Alert
Sign up for Westshore Alert, the emergency notification system used by View Royal.
Additional Resources
• FireSmart Begins at Home Guide
• FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub
• FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide
• FireSmart BC Fire-Resistant Plant Tool
• FireSmart BC Plant Guide
• FireSmart BC Guide to Lower Risk Plants for Hedges, Privacy & Screening
• FireSmart BC Factsheets
• PreparedBC - Wildfire Preparedness Guide
WASP Wildfire - Gutter Mounted Sprinkler System
After you FireSmart your property, the WASP Gutter Mount Sprinkler System provides additional coverage for a standard sized home to help defend against blown embers from wildfires. Studies have shown by raising the humidity around your home will help reduce the risk of structure involvement.
The WASP Gutter Mount Sprinkler System is designed to perform well in wildfire conditions and is equipped with wind fighting, agricultural grade sprinkler heads.
Made in North America, these sprinkler heads create an area of humidity around the structure and are designed to help extinguish wind-blown embers, while conserving water.
The WASP Wildfire - Gutter Mounted Sprinkler System includes:
• 2 Agricultural-Grade Sprinkler Heads
• 2 Patented WASP Gutter Mount Sprinkler Brackets
• 2 Patented WASP Fence/Facia Mounts (for homes without gutters)
• 2 Fire Department Grade 25 Foot Lay-Flat Hoses with Standard Connectors
Check out the installation and demonstration video.
View Royal residents within higher risk areas of the municipality who have requested and completed a FireSmart Home Assessment, will receive a FREE WASP Wildfire Sprinkler Kit for their home, while supplies last.
Email to request your FireSmart Home Assessment.
COMING SOON: Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP)
Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWRPs) are the next generation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs). CWPPs were introduced in 2004 as part of the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative (SWPI) and served as the primary wildfire risk reduction planning mechanism for British Columbia communities.
To better ensure that CWPPs consistently take a comprehensive approach toward wildfire, including risk reduction and resiliency measures, the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) partnered with the FireSmart BC Committee to develop a new framework for Community Wildfire Resiliency Planning.
Key provincial goals of the Community Wildfire Resiliency Planning process are to:
• Increase communities’ capacity and understanding of wildfire risk;
• Foster greater collaboration within and across administrative boundaries;
• Be more responsive to the needs of different types of communities throughout British
Columbia in terms of their size, their capacity, and the threats they face; and
• Develop achievable and accountable action items.
The Town of View Royal and View Royal Fire Rescue are currently developing a CWRP.
Stay tuned for View Royal’s CWRP!
Contact Us
For more information on the View Royal FireSmart Program contact:
Ryan Eason, FireSmart Coordinator
Phone: 250-479-7322